Thursday, August 22, 2013

Your Personal Life is Personal For a Reason.

Alright. Here we go again!

People who tell their life story on Facebook.

As humans, we naturally have emotions. We're happy, twitterpatted, frustrated, disappointed, etc. But sometimes, our human emotions tend to make us do irrational things. Ok, lemme just get straight to the point...


    Posting how "angry you are at your Ex" or how "done you are with your parents even though you're 10 year old" makes you look ridiculous and look like you're seeking for attention - which is EXACTLY what you're doing. Is it bad to feel emotion? No, not at all. But the certain sappy, soap opera-esque events in your personal life should NOT be made public. I have deleted SO many people off of my FB friends list because they are constantly whining about their love life/social life/blah blah ALL drives me up the wall. We don't need to know your life story.

   And having 50 statuses, all from the same person, in one day sounding like this? 

 "Baby, your eyes make my heart stop because they are like the ocean....but your left arm is shorter than your right hurts for it to end this way."

I'm sure they are a lovely person in real, human life...but REALLY? Is it a necessity to post this on the WORLD WIDE WEB?
If you are hurting from a break up, don't post it ALL OVER FACEBOOK. It stings, we get it....but there is no need to share how much you hate/miss your EX all over my Facebook wall. Go grab some chocolate, cry for a bit, find some wood, build a bridge, take your chocolate and GET OVER IT. (oohhh, grab some ice for that BURN, don't worry I know I'm not cool.) 

If you are one of those folk who posts a depressing status, someone comments "What's wrong?" and you reply, "Nothing" or "txt me"? PLEASE. Just delete your account from Facebook. I have seen this happen SO. MANY. TIMES. I. COULD. SCREAM. Why? Because if I asked you "Why did you post that?" out of pure curiosity, you wouldn't have a reason. Yes, you may be depressed, I understand...but you wouldn't have any explanation on what your motive was to posting that...

Now let me say again, having emotions/feelings are NOT bad. But your personal life is your personal life and there are things you should NOT post on Facebook. 

Then you have those people who try to sound deep but really, they are just posting One Direction or some unknown Coffee Shop band lyrics... we all know what you're trying to do. We all know that 4 seconds after you post "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else." You'll be on the computer for 5 hours, waiting for your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend to see it and give you SOME SORT of acknowledgement. After my awkward Junior High years I learned that, it never works. Write your own dang lyrics, go up to your lover and tell them to their FACE. I honestly think that in today's society, people think that "Go say it to their face" actually means, "Go post it on their Facebook wall." Pity.

And you get those Facebook posts...
-- "popin' capzz, thug lyfee"
-- "Minecraft errday."
-- "oh my gosshhh, LMS lawlzzzzzz XD"
-- "Hary Styles Notice meeeee...."
--"I'm on the toilet, texttt meee."

My Response...
1) Did you ever go to school?
2)Do you ever go outside?
3) Have you seen the sun?
4) Spell his name right and you don't need that many letters in a 2-letter word.
5) Really? No, seriously. When you're on the toilet doing your humanly business, you think of more ways to receive attention?

Facebook should be used as a communication device, a sharer of celebratory news, and so on. It should not be a place of posting unnecessary news to a PUBLIC INTERNET SITE.
 PLEASE think before you post.
Godspeed my Facebook addicts.

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