Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thanks A LOT.

I know this isn't a "late night banter/rant" but who's gonna stop me?

On Sunday we had our home teachers over and they talked about gratitude. One of the teachers said that one way you can increase your gratitude is when you pray, tell Heavenly Father everything you are grateful for instead of asking for things. After this lesson, my perspective has changed.

I've had trouble with feeling lonely. My whole summer consisted of me staying home and watching my friends leave for their missions. I became depressed and questioned, "What is the point?" I have my mission call but I just became neutral. I wasn't feeling happy but I was losing who I am. I wasn't recognizing all that was being done for me. I lost my socializing abilities and I became ACTUALLY awkward. (Ok, well, I've always been awkward...but you get my point)

So the point of this post is...how the HECK am I going to get back to the OLD Aubri?!
1) Express all that I'm grateful for in my prayers and in my everyday conversation. LIKE THIS!

**My siblings. They may have chosen different paths, but they are amazing individuals and I love them. They support me and my decision to serve the mission. That's all that I can ask for.
**Modern day technology.  Need I say more?
**My parents. They are an amazing support and they love me for who I am. And they are my best friends.
**This Gospel. A friend and I were taking about going through the temple for the first time. We both agreed that it's impossible the Church isn't true. It's organization is flawless and the work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is spreading no matter what. Without this Gospel, I don't know where I would be in my life. It brings me TRUE happiness and I cannot wait to bring happiness to those in Mexico.
**My mission call.
**The friends that have chosen to serve a mission. They are true examples to me. AND I'm grateful for those who decided to stay, because we need that support system.
**The temple. I'm going through soon and I am BEYOND excited.
**The house I live in.
**The ward/stake I'm in.
**Mesa, Arizona. It's like a small town where people know each other and everybody is related, but bigger.
**Seminary & Institute.
**MUSIC. If I didn't have my piano, I would be in a mental institute.
**The Atonement. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes, just like everybody else. But I can be made clean again because of my brother, Jesus Christ, and his love for me & my Heavenly Father.

OK, obviously there is more stuff. But I have a tendency to make lists instead of posts.
Like I stated before, I have been deprived of a social life for way too long. It's been so long that I really struggled to be social again. SO, before I leave for my mission I want to get 200 social life points. But I'm not going to hang out with friends JUST for the points. I want to grow from this experience...and this is my plan.
--Hang out with friends at someone ELSE'S house = 5 points
--Hang out with friends and go somewhere else while bonding = 10 points
--Go out of my way to someone else's house = 15 points
--I'm asked on a date = 25 points
--I ask someone else on a date = 30 points
--I talk to a stranger (say "Hi!" and/or "Have a good day!") = 2 points
So at this point in life, I'm at 54 social life points. I want to be back to my old self before I leave for my mission and dagnabit, it's gonna happen!


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