Joy. Comedy. Explosion of Happiness.
Yeah, that sums up Saturday.
Okay, the beginning of Saturday starts off like this; panic...pure, sweet panic. Being THAT nervous probably took second place on "Aubri's Nervous-ness Scale." I got the bout and it turned out BEAUTIFULLY by the way. My sister did my hair and it turned out gorgeous!
And then, I was on my way to Olivia's house so we could start picking up our dates. That was the moment I started, literally, shaking. We pull up to Todd's house first and Livvy goes inside. Jessica and I are still in the car, I ask Jessica if we can say a prayer that we can calm down. So we do, it sorta works. We pull up to Jacob's house, and that's when I start shaking again. (Don't
ask why, because I honestly have no idea why.) I go into his house...let's just say I epicly FAILED at putting that darn bout on him. I guess since I was shaking so badly, that didn't help
too much. I'm glad Sis. Peterson was bout "savvy" and saved me from further embarrassment :)

We then headed off to pictures (I'll have those up once I get them) and let's just say, Jacob and I know how to simply make each other laugh. "Poop". Are you laughing? You should, because it's funny. But of course, that wasn't the only thing. But prayers work! I seriously was so happy and felt completely comfortable. We also probably quoted about 6 movies....yeah, be jealous!
Then we were headed back to Olivia's for the most heavenly dinner EVER! And it was absolutely gorgeous!! Jacob was so polite and made sure I was okay...even though I asked him. Um, best date ever? Indeed. After dinner, we all had a change of plans before we went to the dance. Temple Lights!!! And we had 2 missionary experiences (SCORE!) and we even watched a missionary blow our minds with magic. Legit. We also looked at the Nativity displays and the Book of Mormons, and I was surprised of how many people were there on their Winter Formal dates. Psh? Dance? I'm going to the Temple. :)
Well, so much for that witty last sentence. Because we ended up going to the dance for about an hour and a half. But it was bloody hot! And Jacob was in a sweater pull over so that explains it, but it was so much fun!! But before we arrived to the gym...I witnessed something in the car that broke my heart. *sigh* My corsage broke! And then it broke even more at the dance!!! I felt SOOOOO bad!!!! It was SO gorgeous and amazing in every way...and then it just died!
After the dance, we went to Jenni's house for dessert (chocolate cake). Heaven!!! And Jacob needed to be home by 11:30 so we loaded up and drove everyone home.
Now, TODAY. (Tuesday) Jacob is doing an Eagle Scout Project where he needs donations of toys, jackets, jeans...the whole sha-bang. I had like a bunch of books so I text him asking if that's alright and he says heck yes. :) I get home from school and then it's about 9:30ish (it's like 10:30pm now) when he comes by with his sister Hannah (who I adore in every way) to pick the books up. Earlier he told me he had something to give me...hmmm....(Oh, just you wait.) Anywho, fast forward! He comes to my door...this kid bought me ANOTHER corsage. Another, brand spankin' new corsage.
I just adore life right now and him and his sister and my friends and...yeah. Holy FAH-LIPPIN' cow! I'm still in a happiness shock. Who goes out of their way, even when Winter Formal is already done, to go buy something for someone else to make up for what happened?? (Well, Jacob. But still.) I'm absolutely happy and joyful in every way right now. Is it obvious? :)
haha thats great aubri!! i'm glad you had fun! and i'd have to agree, we have the bestest group of friends ever, and that was super awesome jacob did that for you! :) haha gotta love that kid!