After the picture I realized how high I was and tried thinking my plan out, " foot here and one foot there and I will be PERFECTLY fine!" Nope. Not only was I incorrect- I was SO incredibly wrong. Not only did I fall...not only did I crash...I crashed and BURNED. It didn't click that
1. The metal from the train is slippery.
2. The railroad track is GRAVEL, not sturdy ground
3. I should not JUMP off the train car links.
(After pictures....ignore my awkward face, I was trying not to laugh during the picture) |
I landed literally face first into a bunch of rocks, knocked my elbow on a huge boulder, I tried catching myself but unfortunately placed my hand in a pile of SHARP gravel and I hit my knees first into the railroad track....and then into sharp rocks. If that is not a "crash and burn", I have NO idea what it is! I was, of course, laughing my head off, despite my knees, elbow and my jaw were bleeding....haha! It was a miracle that nothing WORSE happened, especially since I landed face/head first into a bunch of rocks. But I am OKAY! Just pretty beat up :)
Swollen knee, that night after "The Fall" |
If you tilt the screen a bit, you can see the bruising... the flash took away the crazy darkness. |
We had MANY amazing experiences with Maria de Lourdes! On Wednesday we taught the last part of the Restoration. She had A LOT of questions about prophets and the Apostasy. We taught it a little easier for her to understand- and in the end when we began to testify that this is Christ's church and this is the way and the Book of Mormon is true, etc. She began to cry because she was worried about her family members (Catholics) who have died, what would happen to them because they never had the opportunity to know THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH. Ding ding ding! We knew she knew our message was true! We committed her to read the Book of Mormon and pray...but something told us to wait and not ask her to be baptized quite yet.
Saturday we visited her and we taught a POWERFUL lesson of Faith. She completely opened up to us and told us of a man (who is married to a different woman, and the husband of Maria is dead) who she has been sleeping with.... she KNOWS this is wrong but she has no idea what to do because the man always returns to her house. She wants to feel peace, she wants to do better things and she wants to be a better person, she wants to take away the guilt...she asked, "What do I NEED TO DO?"
We taught of the Atonement of Christ and his example. "Hermana Maria, do you feel something when you are with us?" "Yes, peace and tranquility." "Do you feel and believe that our message is true and this is Christ's church?" She looked at me, "Yes. I feel happy and at peace when you come and teach could it not be true?" BOOM. "Seguirá el ejemplo de Jesucristo y será bautizado por alguien que posea el poder y autoridad de dios?" Without a pause and a HUGE smile, "SI" She accepted to be baptized August 23 2014 (Saturday)
KEEP PRAYING FOR HER! She wasn't able to attend church on Sunday because she was asked to work EXTRA...but she promised us that THIS Sunday and every Sunday before her baptism, she would attend. But PLEASE pray that she will NOT have work on Sunday!!! It was amazing- the Spirit was SO stinkin' strong during the lesson. I love Maria, I am so happy she has so much trust in us! :) I will not let her down! She said the closing prayer and she said, "Please help me know the truth! I want to know, I feel good and I know this is right. Help me feel at peace!" WOW.
We had a zone conference with Pres Villarreal and his wife on Thursday. We talked a lot about Ch. 10 of Preach My Gospel. We learned that our mission is the highest in teaching effectiveness but one of the lowest in baptisms :( We talked A LOT about numbers...and if you know me in the mission, I don't like numbers. I especially don't like comparing ourselves to other missions - our mission just barely hit its 1st year anniversary, so we are SUPER new. We are learning together, but we are NOT failing!
I learned in the MTC to LOVE the people and to be 150% obedient. I learned to NOT focus in the numbers because they are not going to bring salvation, nor blessings. The PURE love of Christ - charity - will bring our brothers and sisters salvation and never-ending happiness. I have learned in my almost 9 months in the mission, I only feel happy here when I focus on the people, when I truly do EVERYTHING I can do for them. I don't feel happy when I focus in the numbers, on how many lessons we need to teach so that our district leader is not disappointed with us.
Yes, numbers and goals are super important and they show the desire of our hearts...and if we are working :) But we need to focus the RIGHT way, we can't use numbers so that we can be the "better" mission. That's what we kind of focused on during the conference - numbers and comparing to other regions and areas...and I just felt sad through the WHOLE thing! But I know what I was taught in the MTC is TRUE: the people are more important than numbers.
Jesus Christ, when he was suffering in Gethsemane, never thought, "Ok, if I suffer for 50% of the population and die for the 50% of the world...I WILL have eternal life." NO, that is absolutely ridiculous! Jesus Christ did it because he loved (and still does) us, and it was the will of God. Well, the last time I checked, I am a representative of Him, should I do as He did and LOVE the people? That sounds a lot better than numbers.
Oh! Mom and Dad! Remember the Brazilian Restaurant you went to where they gave you pieces of meat without end? They have the SAME thing here and the Pres and his wife took half of our zone to the restaurant, and I have to agree, it's pretty awesome :)
I also received 2 cards- one from Madison Seaman and one from Danny and Melanie! :) THANK YOU! I will send you cards NEXT Monday :)
NOTE: No more packages with Catholic pictures. President told us that if there are more packages with Catholic pictures, he will send the packages right back. :( Only tape pictures of OUR church on the packages :)
Reasons #29,378 why Barrio Joyas is an AWESOME ward: We had a Ward Missionary Training and people actually showed up AND participated! I seriously love this ward SO much. I am surrounded by people who support the work of the Lord :)
We contacted an ancient investigator, Gloria. She came out telling us she appreciated what we do but she was totally fine with worshipping (and I quote) her "idols". IDOLS?! Actual idols?! People still do that today? I thought it was a joke until I walked into her house after asking to use her bathroom and WOW. Every corner of her house was COVERED in idols: 1. Catholic Saints 2. Maria Guadalupe and 3. WHO knows what else. I am SO grateful for my knowledge of Heavenly Father, and that he is the ONLY one. I am happy for the TRUE Gospel in my life!!
There are many times when a RM [Returned Missionary] goes inactive after the mission, and I have NO idea why. After dedicating such a large part of their lives to the Lord, and witnessing miracles, they return home and go inactive! WHAT?! How could you deny and fall away from not only the Lord, but from your testimony? Yes, it is a different spirit when you return, but doesn't mean it's over! You keep going, you keep moving forward and you KEEP STRONG AND ENDURE!
"Behold, we count them HAPPY which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job; and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy." (Job 5:11)
Want to be happy after the mission? Endure & Enjoy The Journey, because giving up is the WORST you can do!
I love you family! Next week is my 9 month mark! WHOA! I will be home soon so take care of yourselves. Keep strong and "COME WHAT MAY AND LOVE IT!" :)
Les amo MUCHO y Dios Les Bendiga!!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Winsor
HOMEWORK: Read Mosiah 11-17 and LEARN FROM ABINADI! Write me what you learned :)
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