Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Subconscious. Go away.

Ever since more than half of my missionary friends left, I've been quite lonely. Guess what? I STILL have more to send off. -cries- Can October come ANY faster?

It all started with Jacob Black leaving in April 2012, then Sam Dampt July 2012, Rusty Burbank August 2012, Hyrum Layton October 2012, Bethany Cluff and Colton Bond December 2012, Todd Leavitt December 2012, Jacob Peterson January 2013, Natalie Lewis January 2013 .... and now Jordan Brimley leaves on February 13th 2013.... Why must they all leave me?!
(Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of them and SUPER happy they are gone....but then I'm not happy.... Is it super obvious how stubborn I am?)

So the point of this post was, I had the worst AND best dream ever last night. I was at a YSA (young single adult) Activity with Brimley. We were sitting on one of the pews in the Sacrament meeting area and he turns to me asking, "What if Sam was back from his mission?" Naturally I answered, "That'd be super stellar." THEN out of no where, Sam decides to pop up right next to Brimley. 
My thoughts were:
1) Wow, two years went by really fast.
2) Why didn't I know that he was already back?!?! -anger-
3) I'M NOT ALONE!!! If he's back already, then my other missionary friends won't be far behind.
4) What is that beeping sound? Oh ... it's my alarm ... and I'm about to wake up to a harsh reality.

And my #4 thought couldn't have been anymore correct, I woke up to reality. My subconscious likes to play CRUEL tricks on me and it's been conducting these type of tricks for the last 2 months. And this dream was WAY too realistic, that it's scary. 

{Basically the moral of this story is;}
Become a cat lady, then you won't be alone.

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