Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bah Humbug.

"But Aubri! It's not Christmas!"

Well, Psh. Yeah I know that.
If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you'd notice how much I love Christmas. But it is February and we ALL know what that means...
"Single Awareness Day"
"Forever Alone Day"
"Watch Chick Flicks while eating terrible junk food Day"
Valentine's Day
(hence the 'Bah Humbug')
Yes, in exactly a week...everyone will start makin' out with each other, buying ridiculously HUGE teddy bears, 200 dozen roses and 30 boxes of chocolates. Yeah, I get it. Love is not a bad thing - I know that. Love is SUPER stellar. But why dedicate ONE day to showing that "certain someone" how much you love them through worldly things and Facebook? Go tell the person, face to face, how much you love/appreciate them... EVERYDAY. Even if you're single, go tell your mom/dad/goldfish how much you love them... it doesn't have to be a "boyfriend/girlfriend/lover" type of deal. 
Is it obvious Valentine's Day is NOT my favorite holiday?
No, I didn't have some traumatic experience with Valentine's Day - and I DO like candy...don't get me wrong. But even since I was little, I just never saw the point of this "holiday". Why is it called a "Holiday" anyways? I mean, a day dedicated to love? Shouldn't everyday be dedicated to love and appreciation? 
(I sounded SUPER hippie-like right there) 
*Insert "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles here*

Ok, enough with my Valentine's Day rant. I promise I am a happy, loving person.
In 3 months, I'm going to spend 3 days at the Happiest Place On Earth (besides the Temple). That's right folks, 
May 19th - 24th will be pure happiness. My brother, his girlfriend, Ma Winsor and I are all going! This will be the third year IN A ROW we've gone and this will be the last if I go on a mission. 
I cannot wait :)

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