Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Confession Tuesday, squared

Yeah, last Wednesday I realized, "Dang, yesterday was Tuesday."

CONFESSION NUMERO UNO (that's my spanish for today)

I cannot STAND make up.

Whenever someone would put it on me, I would feel nausea and death.

I HHAAATTEE, hate hate hate, LOATHE entirely make up.

I mean, come on.

It is nasty and repulsive and it smells NASTY.

I also can't stand nail polish.

The smell gives me nose bleeds and I can't eat anything after smelling it.

And I just look stupid with it anyways,

why bother wearing something if it makes my life miserable?



Whenever I have a bagel for breakfast, I toast it then butter it and then put it in the microwave for 12 seconds. Not 15. or 11.

12 seconds.

I won't eat it if it hasn't been in the microwave.

It just tastes weird when it's not boiling hot.

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