Well, anywho :)
This week I unfortunately was pretty sick every day, but I lived! Here I am, still serving a mission :)
Rainy time in MEXICO!!!! :) Hermana Hernandez gave Hna Fa'asa and I PONCHOS after we ate with her family :) (this is in our backyard) |
Monday, after I emailed ya'll, Hna Fa'asa & I went to eat
pizza at DOMINOS (yay, American food - kind of). We order half Hawaiian and
half cheese...and the cheese tasted funky, like powder. It was pretty gross. We
returned back to the house and I went to bed early because I was starting to
have the "normal" stomach problems. Tuesday at 2:45am, definitely
woke up with food poisoning...yaaaay. I slept until 9am and woke up
to Hna Fa'asa watching movies that she found on her USB drive, all in Samoan! I
watched them with her and, of course, understood nothing, hahaha! I slept for
another hour and then woke up to go to District meeting at 11:30am. We
walked and arrived at the chapel at 12pm, I was still feelin' pretty sick
and discouraged, I honestly HATE being sick...every time I am sick I think,
"Why am I sick ALL the time on my mission!? Heavenly Father, don't you
want me to serve?!" And during the district meeting, Elder Ouderkirk
shared this scripture with us (D&C 39:11-13):
11 I
have prepared thee for a GREAT work... thou shalt preach the fullness of my
gospel... I have sent forth to recover my people.
12 And
it shall come to pass that POWER shall rest upon thee; thou shalt have GREAT
faith, and I will be with thee and go before thy face.
ART CALLED TO LABOR IN MY VINEYARD, and to build up my church, and to bring
forth Zion, that it may rejoice upon the hills and flourish.
Happy companionship study, Hna Fa'asa definitely wanted to take pictures. |
I definitely needed this scripture, with being sick this week
and not teaching many days in a row because my body doesn't know how to behave
with stinking Typhoid....it takes a toll on you mentally! You feel like you
failed and you feel ashamed to turn in your numbers. BUT, I need to recognize
that I have been called to the work, I have been set apart with a great power.
Shoot, the POWER OF GOD, hahaha. I am not failing; being sick is just a trial
of my faith. Typhoid, kidney infections....BRING IT ON! I am going to keep on
serving :) He knows I can do it, that is why he called ME!
Found my piñata boyfriend again when we were at Hna Dolores' house :) |
Wednesday: A pretty normal day! We went over to Hna Dolores'
house and helped her with piñatas :) Then later that day, we went over to eat
ice cream and teach Jaqueline about the Holy Ghost & the Book of Mormon. We
read Moroni 10:3-5 with her...and well, she didn't like it too much. "So
if through this book I can receive whatever I want to know, will it tell me why
I can't find a man to marry?" I looked at her, "It won't tell you
what is wrong with you, it will tell you what to do to FIND the one." I
tried sharing an experience about how I am sick all the time but every time I
studied the Book of Mormon when I was sick, I found comfort and motivation, and
ALL the answers to my doubts.
THEN SHE INTERUPPTS ME (mistake #1), "Wait, you want me to
praise a book?" Uh, no. Stop interrupting me, hahaha. I explain to her
that these words in the Book of Mormon are the words of God because they are
from prophets, and he KNEW I would have Typhoid & I would be sick.
"Wait, you are here...with Typhoid, very far away from your
family.....are you insane?" (mistake #2) I look at her, "It doesn't
matter, Jaqueline, I have a strong testimony that I need to be here. And this
book helped me and it keeps helping me, it's…" "No, You need to go
home. Do you WANT to be here or do you HAVE to be here?" "Jaqueline,
I want to be here. I have been called to be here, so I have to be here. This is
BEING HERE." (mistake #3)
We left. A customer came in, so she went to go serve them … aaaaand
we left. I really couldn't take it anymore, it was rough. We went to a store
and Hna Fa'asa bought me a Snickers to cool me down, even though I felt like I
hid it really well, haha. We went back home because SURPRISE I started feeling
sick again. I took a shower and I asked Hna Fa'asa to trim my hair because it
was SUPER unhealthy. And she did a GREAT job! :)
The shoe tan is getting WORSE! |
Thursday: There was NO ONE HOME! Literally. haha.
Friday: I woke up SICK and discouraged with absolutely NO desire
to work. I started personal study with a question, "Heavenly Father, what
is my purpose here in my area?" And I open the Book of Mormon just to
start reading and I see this scripture in Mosiah, "for behold, I
am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of GREAT joy. For the Lord
hath heard thy prayers, and hath judged of thy righteousness, & hath
sent me to declare unto thee that thou mayest REJOICE; and that thou mayest
declare unto thy people, that they may also be filled with JOY."
![]() |
MY NEW NIECE!!!!!! Man, 10 more months till I get to HOLD YOU! |
If that isn't an answer, I don't know what it is! :) I am here
to find JOY in declaring JOY unto the people of Fresnillo. I have NO reason to
be disappointed when I am a representative of Jesus Christ. He wants me to
rejoice :) Heck, am I not only a representative of Jesus Christ, I have a NEW
NIECE! :) I definitely cried seeing the pictures of my beautiful niece, Vivian
:) I can't wait to hold her in April :)
Carlos came to Church! WOO HOO! Baptism bells are STILL
ringing!!! 5 de Julio, keep praying!!!! I am soooo stoked! :) He is doing great
and will do anything to be baptized!
Well, I hope all of you are doing great! Keep taking care of
yourselves and stay strong! I am doing okay, I am still moving forward :) I
know Heavenly Father helped me A LOT this week through scriptures and keepin'
me alive :) Love you all, read your scriptures and keep on prayin'. It's crazy
to think that THIS Monday is my 8 month mark, which means in one
month till my halfway mark :) We better not blink or I'll be home! haha. LES
AMO! y Dios les bendiga :)
Con Amor,
Hermana Winsor
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