I am
going to start off with this picture!
As we paid for our food and tried finding some way to gather our
food and 2 HUGE jugs of water. We find a box, put the box in the cart and put
the food in and Karla asks us, "Do you live far? Because I can drive you
to your house!" I swear I heard angels sing. We go to her car (which had a
ARIZONA LICENSE PLATE! hollah) and as soon as she opens the back of her van,
Hna Fa'asa and I lift our box a little bit, and the bottom of the box GIVES.
OUT. The food goes EVERYWHERE into the cart...and Karla magically pulls out
another box from her car "Here! Put your food in here!" Once again I
heard angels sing!
She drove us to our house, helped us carry everything in and
gave us her address, number and email so we could contact her if we needed a
ride anywhere...I know she is going to receive SO many blessings!!! Please ask
Heavenly Father that her and her family can reunite and that she can receive SO
many blessings!!
On Wednesday, there. was. no. one. home. Seriously!!! And this
week I SWEAR it was more than 90 degrees every single day! We taught ONE
lesson, it was rough, but we moved forward. We ate with the Lopez Yanez family,
whose son we helped go on a mission, Luis Abraham. They told us that Luis
Abraham had his FIRST baptism! How awesome is THAT?!
On Friday we had a zone conference and, wow...uh, I am
going to be completely honest... it was super boring. haha! I tried! And TRIED
to listen and to have the Spirit testify to me about how I can be a better
missionary. But the thing is, the zone leaders just lectured about EVERYTHING
that Elder De Hoyos talked about...I really did try!! But I ended up taking a
little notes and just doodling the rest of the time. I know, I know...I will go
We FINALLY received the conference talks!!!!!!! WOO HOO!! |
And THEN the Zone Leaders decide to give us this announcement,
"There is a new rule, we are not allowed to have ANY more Zone Activities
and District Activities." We ALL freaked out! We all asked the Zone
Leaders "Why?!" and they never told us why :( So SOMEONE really
messed up. After the announcement they ask me to say the closing prayer...it
was a little impossible, but I endured. I basically took the announcement like,
"Hey missionaries, we can't have fun anymore." I panicked a bit, I
mean, yeah, the Gospel is fun, but it is stressful and when we play soccer or we
have activities, it is stress-relieving! We'll see what happens. But HEY - on
the GOOD side after 2 weeks not having agendas, we finally have agendas now and
we have the conference talks,WOOHOO!
On Thursday it was SO freakishly hot outside, so I not only
got MORE tan, but freakishly burnt as well. haha! It was also Hna Fa'asa's 3
month mark so I decorated her desk while she was in the shower :) I know, I am
smooth :)
During personal study I was feeling, well, pretty discouraged, and
I read in Preach My Gospel "What
is a successful missionary?" And I learned that a successful missionary is
one who does their best with FAITH, not worrying & not becoming
disappointed when disappointing times come. So, I concluded, "I have been
trying my best EVERY DAY for 7 months straight, I am guessing that I am a
successful missionary?" haha.
We then went to eat with the family Garcia, but they barely
started making the food so we ate around 3pm...and we were going to go to
Zapata. It was SO hot that day, I was sure we were going to die because, in
Zapata, there is NO shade, only pure sun. So we stayed near but once again NOT
ONE person was home! We went everywhere – north, south, east, west. I felt like
Frodo when he traveled to Mount Mordor, it was THAT hot.
Normal thug life picture. |
We ended up teaching Jaqueline after eating ice cream to cool down.
We taught her Lesson 1 and we talked about the Book of Mormon, and gave her
homework to read the Introduction of the Book of Mormon. She had trouble accepting
it, and the Restoration. We asked her to pray but she was SUPER hesitant to
pray. Why is everyone so hesitant to pray? HEAVENLY FATHER WANTS TO HEAR YOUR
She was willing to keep reading and she wants to keep listening,
and she always welcomes us. I just pray she'll read so that she can look for an
answer. She started off our lesson by pointing out all the bad
"incorrect" things of the Book of Mormon - it definitely tested my
patience, but once again...I endured.
On Friday, we went to PLATEROS! :) Plateros (a tiny town) is in
our area, but it is 15 minutes away BY CAR. So if I do my math correctly, it
would take 34 days just walking there. haha. We went with Hno and Hna Lopez
Yanez to find some investigators from the previous missionaries.
As we FINALLY arrived, we looked and looked for a direction and
we saw 3 guys talking outside the house. We pulled over and asked about the
direction and one of them, se llama Mario, told us and even walked to the house
with us! And of course, we contacted him and we have an appointment with him this
We found the investigator who answered his door saying, "
Finally you have come! I have been waiting for you!" We taught him and he
has gone to church more than 6 times and he came this Sunday to
church and WANTS TO KEEP COMING! We will see him THIS Thursday to set
a baptismal date for July 5th! He is a true golden investigator! WOO
HOO!!!! Se llama Carlos! And the ward did GREAT on Sunday by helping
him feel welcome!
On Saturday we went to a baptism of the other sister
missionaries of our district and it was powerful. The dad (who was once a
member of the mofia, and has been returning to church for about a year)
baptized his 14 year old son, and the way he immersed his son in the water
brought tears to EVERYONE'S eyes. To see them both change for the better, heck,
a week before the son's baptism the son was beat up! And the amazing thing, the
son never complained! He FORGAVE the people who beat him up.... it was a truly
amazing experience!
Oh by the way, Hna Fa'asa and I are speaking in Church on
Father's Day! 1. Christmas 2. Mother's Day, and now....3. Father's Day. I see a
Well, this week was good! Just another week on the mission :)
Keep praying for me! And PLEASE pray that this baptism for Carlos will stay
I found a talk by Elder Holland and he said,
"The REAL you is more precious than rubies."
We can't be fake and we should never be ashamed of who we are as
individuals. Our Heavenly Father loves us and made us specifically with certain
talents! I am so happy that I am ME, a member of the TRUE church and a
representative of Jesus Christ.
I am happy and I love this mission. I don't like thinking about
the end of my mission because it is like I just got here yesterday. The time
FLIES when you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. I love this work! And
les amo TODOS! Dios les bendiga :) Adios :)
Con Amor,
Hermana Winsor
PS. Mom, I have not received your package QUITE yet...I am sure
it will come soon :)
Weird looking flowers that we found walking to an appointment! |
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