Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dirty looks, Compliments & {Pure Joy}

This weekend's past was such a joy :)

But may I rewind to New Year's Eve...
Some of my goals are to be more positive/smile, to compliment people more often and to not be offended so easily. I just have this feeling that if I keep doing this, more wonderful opportunities will come my way. And if they don't, I'll be able to handle it a little better than usual.

On New Year's Day I arrived home at 12:30am annnnd I woke up at 2:30am with dreaded food poisoning...

Happy New Year?

I stayed up till 6:45am -ish. Exhausted, in pain and drained...why not look for the positive? People usually don't want to look for the positive, especially when getting an amazing ab work in the worst way possible. So as I sat there hugging the toilet I thought, "I am pretty sure I lost 100 pounds." I ran to my mom's weight-thing-a-ma-bob and I lost 7 pounds! Ok, I don't recommend getting food poisoning just to lose some poundage but hey- I was trying to cheer myself up. If you want to lose some poundage, go running! I loooove running.

School comes along, I'm SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER excited to see my friends. My friends are cooler than your friends. anywho. In school, I'm trying to participate more, take a bunch of notes and ask a bunch load of questions even if it annoys everyone else. I'm getting the better advantage right? For example, I stink at Government. S-T-I-N-K. And we had a quiz before the weekend came. So Wednesday, Thursday I asked probably more than 34908 questions..ok, maybe like 15 questions but that's a lot. And what did I get on my quiz? A 38 outta 42! Yeah, BOOM. Now I just need to work on my Trig class...math and I have a love-hate relationship. I hate it most of the time and I think math loves seeing me suffer. But I need to be positive and just keep focus on the teacher and ask 2 million more questions than usual despite the dirty looks. No joke, I really want to look at someone giving me a dirty look and just say, "Be careful, your face will probably stay like that!"

Remember where I said that if I become more pleasant, more awesome opportunities will come my way? Well, I got asked to CHEAP by my dearest Wesley Burnham (aka "my dearest Wesley", "my dear Wesley"). Greatest feeling in the WORLD. why? Because I obviously wasn't the last girl on Earth to get asked (this is no exaggeration, true fact right there), and my dear Wesley asked ME. YAY. Go here for last year's Cheap adventure (I'm warning you, I look sickly). And guess what...I am getting a cold and losing my voice- just like last year. But I'm drugging myself up in the good way so I will be healthier than EVER. This year's theme is Superhero! How awesome is that?!

Compliments are stellar, yes? I know everyone loves compliments so I want to spread that cheer (Kind of like Christmas cheer- but not). I've been giving compliments lately and I've been getting some pretty great responses! But the "silliest" (notice the word choice...) response was...

Me: *insert compliment*
Person: *insert weird look* Are you just wanting a compliment back?

Yes, I am giving you a fake compliment so I may be enlightened by how awesome I look.


1 comment:

  1. 1. Compliments are the best
    2. Math Sucks
    3. You and Wes were the cutest heroes ever.
