Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 3 - MTC West Campus

Hola mi familia!!! (this letter is super jumbled, lo siento)

YO SOY UNA MISIONARIA!!! I am so happy at the MTC. I'm actually not on the Main Campus porque there are SO many missionaries! I'm on West Campus where EVERYONE and I mean, EVERYONE hablan espanol. Esta muy bien, no? 
    My flight to SLC had about 10 missionaries on it and I was SO happy. I sat next to Sister Tenney who is going to serve in North Carolina. Also, my friends from high school (Jacob Hartman, Skylar Kartchner y Julio Andrino) were on my flight! Padre Celestial answers prayers! I was SO nervous (I'm still nervous haha!) and it definitely died down when I was surrounded by missionaries. Mi companeria es Hermana Calderon and she is 20 years old. WE ARE THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE y WE'RE BOTH GOING TO AGUASCALIENTES!!!! I LOOVE her. No joke. She is from Simi Valley California and it's only been 3 days pero we are amigas mejores. She is also very helpful with Spanish, her parents speak it but never really taught her and she took 3 years in escuela. As you can tell, Spanglish is my best friend! Even Hmo Howard (mi maestro) tells us to use Spanglish! Our dorm is HUGE and we are the only 2 hermanas in it. We of course chose the room with the 2 walk in closets and BUNK BEDS. HOLLAH BACK AT YOUR HERMANA! haha
  When I arrived at the Main Campus at the MTC, my host was Courtney Odom!!! I was shaking SO stinkin' bad I was so happy! She got me my name tag (which is SO awesome to wear), books and got me on the MTC shuttle to the West Campus MTC. 
    The first day was filled with orientation after orientation and mi clase de espanol con mi maestro Hermano Howard? He ONLY speaks in Espanol, which is great pero absolutely terrifying. But he is awesome and super patiente con people like ... well, me. hahaha! Pero el don de lenguas is kicking in!! I can understand 75% of what he is saying! Our workshop we went to the 1st night, we all sat in a chapel room and got to know certain "investigators" and truly see them as who they are, children of God. The first was super willing to learn despite her trials with her family, and we could talk to her and answer her questions fully. Javier, the second (oh bytheyway, it was all in english) was a little harder because his questions were confusing so we were kind of running around with his answers... but he was definitely kind and willing to learn. THE THIRD ONE, oh boy, Daniel was from Mexico and came to live in the US and studied English for a couple years. But his brother is homosexual y he tried to commit suicide and Daniel, well, he was very angry with God and he made it obvious he did NOT want us there. Pero, I prayed so hard that I would know what to say. And I told him "Daniel. I understand your trials and how sad/angry you must feel. But I want you to know that your Heavenly Father loves you and knows you individually. He knows your pain and your anger. I invite you to turn to Christ who has FELT every single pain and will feel any future pain." It was powerful, mi familia. I am here to invite las persona de Aguascalientes venir a Jesucristo. I looooove being on a mission even though it's only been tres dias! haha!
 One of the counselors in the MTC Presidency said this, "Heavenly Father loves all His children equally but He loves His missionaries a little more equally." I'm sorry verdad!! haha!
I didn't sleep the previous night, so I was SO tired. Pero, feliz.
We were ALL over the place, one of our teachers didn't show up to a 11am workshop, so while we kept waiting - Hermana Winsor utilized su talentos y played the piano!! We sang about 5 hymns (3 different zones) and then we went back to our classroom and studied for about 2 hours. We study everyday about 13 horas EACH DAY. It's muuuy dificil but also very awesome, it's hard to sit in a desk that long though. Also we're teaching an investigator THIS SABADO (manana) en Espanol. Hma Calderon y yo are teachinh Leccion Uno in Preach My Gospel. Yo soy MUY nerverosa!! Pray for us PLEASE! Pray that the gift of tongues will kick in full fledge! We also had a Branch Presidency Meeting with another district and met the Presidency y had an interview con el Presidente Stewart. He asked about mi familia and there were A LOT of happy/sad tears. I miss you all A LOT and it's only been 3 dias. AY! Oh and he asked me to be the District Training Leader.... ON MY SECOND DAY. Oh my heavenly goodness..... I have no idea what that means. Once again, please pray for me. haha! 
  Mi districto is SO awesome! Elder Black, Elder Woodfield, Elder Donovan (who is a convert) y Elder Wilson, y Hma Calderon y yo. I feel bad for everyone else porque my district is THE BEST and the missionaries at Main Campus have NO idea what true happiness because West Campus is THE BEST. We, my district, have this motto for whatEVER happens "Well, the Gospel is STILL true!" Ejemplo: Oh! I stubbed my toe pero the Gospel is STILL true! 
haha. My district is so helpful and we all love sports and music and we all are hilarious! The food here is AMAZING by the way. And yes Mother, I'm eating fruits and vegetables! But I have to admit, the chocolate milk is amazing. hahaha!
Third day (hoy)
We went to the Provo Temple as a Zone today and did an endowment session. There were MANY MTC sister missionaries there who were form Asia and were speaking Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, etc. There are SO adorable! It is SO beautiful here! Los Montanas, ay ay ay, esta MUY MUY MUY bonitas! They're covered in snow and I love walking around and seeing the fall colors... even though it is FREEZING HERE. I always wear my cardigans and scarves, I'm happy I brought them! Oh, Mom... my Pdays are on Fridays... and tell people to send me letters gosh DANGIT. Everyone else in my district got like 3 letters and then nada para mi! haha. I know it's only the 3rd day buuuut a letter would be nice... or like, no se, a package from (wink wink) haha just kidding. not really. but really. :)
  I am so happy here. Heavenly Father has blessed me with an AMAZING companera, districto y zona. And he has surrounded me with amazing missionaries! Everyone speaks spanish and Hma Calderon y yo speak as much as possible! Of course I have my doubts and I'm scared as well and I'm in shock that I'm even here.... but it's ALL worth it! Of course it's going to be hard, how would I grow if it wasn't? Remember to pray for the missionaries, we need your prayers and we feel them everyday (even though it's been 3 days... haha). And ALWAYS look at each other as children of God. Dad, "Seek to understand before being understood" is what I think EVERYDAY here! It fits so well with what I've been taught so far! I mean, with Daniel, he was very rude and stubborn but he was going through some hard trials, but looking at him as a son of God... it was so easy to LOVE him and the "want" to help him grew pretty dang quickly!! I love this Gospel. It is truly amazing and FULL of happiness. Never forget that your Heavenly Father knows YOU... (Alma 5:38 y Jer. 1:5) He knows you by name and knows you personally. Never forget it!!! :)
HOW ARE YA'LL?! I miss all of you. I almost break down when I think of you guys.... but I am also filled with gratitude with the amount of support I have received. Please email me and/or write me! I want to hear from all of you!! I love ALL of you SO much!!!! Me amo mi familia mucho!
Day one feels like it was 4 weeks ago and it's only day 3. I'm working incredibly hard, obviously! I'm exhausted but I want to keep working!
Pleaaassee Write me!!!! (and Papa, I don't have your email...:( )I love you ALL!!!
Con Amor... Godspeed and PEACE OUT,

Hermana Winsor

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