Monday, May 3, 2010

Guess What...

18 more days til I'm a JUNIOR!
honestly...those words couldn't be any more beautiful. I am soooo sick of school.
I'm sick of:
1) Teachers that are truly the devil
2) Finding out your favorite teacher is retiring
3) Liars...who smell
4) Drama
5) Dramatic People
6) Teachers pets...OH MY GOLLY GEE! I have met SOOO many of those this year.
7) Bad stabbers
9) Math and English and Spanish
10) everywhere you look, someone is making out with someone else *pukes*
11) People with random mood swings
12) My math teacher (Different from number 9 cause that was the subject)
13) My English teacher (Once again, there is a difference from number 9)
14) People who think it is okay to walk by you with certain looks and think your not close enough to hear them laughing...THATS always just fah-lippin dandy.
15) Ghetto people
16) Girls whose shorts probably fit a two year perfectly and their shirt looks like and is the size of a dish rag.
17) People who use the excuse "Its because I'm *fill in the blank with "black, mexican...etc."*
18) Couples...
19) being sleep deprived CONSTANTLY
20) Cuss words

So I know I am going to witness, hear and see all these things again next year but I NEED A BREAK!
There should be an Insane Asylum for the people (Like muah) who build all of that up and want to go on a rampage with either; a knife, duck tape for peoples clothes and mouthes, a megaphone and a Book of Mormon. They probably would probably tape me onto a chair and put me in the Seminary building if I ever went on a rampage with a Book of Mormon....but hey, I can get out of Math probably.

1 comment:

  1. Aubri, you make me laugh! and surprisingly make me miss my high school days!
