Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Family Home Evening

So after FHE, my Ma, Pa and I went to McDonalds to see who can get a heartattack first....JUST KIDDING!
We were in the drive thru and we always usually get ice cream cones. Here's how it went...

Pa-"Can we have 1 vanilla ice cream cone, 1 chocolate and one swirl?"

Drive thru man-"Sorry, no cones. Just shakes."

How in the haystack does Mcdonalds run out of ice cream cones?!

Ma-"Shakes work for me."

Me-"I'll have a Mcflurry."

Pa- "Ummm...ok? -giggle- We'll have a Mcflurry-"

Drive thru man- "Only shakes."

What is this world coming to? No Mcflurries?!

Me-"Oh, fine. I'll have a strawberry shake."


So it didn't register in my brain that Mcflurry is part of the "No ice cream. Only shakes."
Well HOW IN THE HAYSTACK did they make the shake?!

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