You know what I love...
People I know and them, knowing me.
It makes life so happy! They trust me, I trust them... they know ME. They have no doubt of who I am and what I stand for. I am so blessed!
This week has been pretty swell I must say. No escuela on Monday-o, I caught up on homework and rested me tired body (I definitely regained all the tiredness though). Tuesday, went to school and made in friend in my class.
RANDOM FACT: I am super shy when I first meet people, unless I'm with multiple friends...then I'm fine. Other than that, it's just hard!
Anywho, she made the first mood of talking to me and then I fell in. I was so happy! My comfort level of being in that class is slowly but surely rising. WIN. Then at 2pm-7:30pm I went to my job. I had kind of an upsetting experience last week that has made me dread work even more. Another random fact about me, I don't cry easily. If I'm crying, someone must have messed up BAD or it's a really sad/good movie. But that's about it. Well on Friday, I went home....sobbing. It was bad, people. But I will tell you this, I'm grateful for my close friends at work who talked to me and tried to make me feel better. To have people go out of their way to make you happy, it's phenomenal and it makes me want to return the favor even more.
So you remember my dear ol' friend Sam? Who is in France? Well, I wrote him a month ago and have been waiting for a letter ever since. Well, here is what happened yesterday...
I have never ran inside my house so fast screaming "IT'S HERE! HE WROTE BACK!" I was so happy! I'm thankful that he is doing fine and I'm so proud of my friend!
Well, in about 20 minutes I will be off on a date with Carter Heaton. :) Date night = fun night.. err night.