Can I just say? I love that my friends are going on missions and are working their tails off to serve the Lord. It makes me so stinking proud!
One of my closest friends, Sam Dampt, left for the MTC on July 11th and he soon will be leaving to Lyon, France! :)
Missionary Work is such a powerful thing and I'm proud of my friends who are going not because of their parents or a girl or because the rest of their friends are going. They go because they want to serve the Lord and they want to bring the Gospel into other's lives. I'm thankful for their testimony in my life :)
Another missionary friend :) Tim Sharp will be in Minnesota!
And Jacob Black is FINALLY in Singapore :)
It's always bittersweet when your close friends leave for two years. But I know they are there for an amazing purpose and support them every bit! I just have to get better at writing letters :)