Tuesday, March 4, 2014

4 months DOWN!!!!!

Wow, who completed 4 MONTHS and has two thumbs? This hermana! Woo Woo!!! Only got sick 2 times this week, woo ...woo? hahaha! Oh my life in Mexico is hilarious.

After our lesson with Hermana Dolores WE HELPED HER MAKE PIÑATAS!!!!!!! Oh my gosh I do not have a single Mexican, creative bone IN me! But she told me I was doing well... bahahaha, I'm 100% sure she threw away mine and started a new one when we left, haha! But it was REALLY awesome and super fun! 

We also had the opportunity to help the daughter of Araceli, Aydé (she's a baker) make cupcakes and cookies!! And we also made something called, "Pedos de Monjas". Well, lemme translate this for you.
          Pedo = fart
          Monjas = Monks
So in English, the things we made are called, "Monk Farts"..... (You're welcome Danny.) And yes, when they taught me this word, I about died from laughter. Oh and Monk Farts are SUPER delicious too!! :) bahaha. I am still dying. Aydé would ask me, "Hermana Gringa, ¿que estamos haciendo?" I would answer, "Pedos....." bahaha. 
 Makin' PEDOS....or makin' FARTS
Eating PEDOS....eating FARTS  bahahahaha, it's still hilarious.

Cupcakes!!! HOME MADE!!!

We also had the chance to teach Martin and Miriam with their mom, Soledad. And WOW. We went at the right time because Soledad is going through some MAJOR depression. Being a single mom, the husband finally sent divorce papers and said, "I want nothing to do with you and our children." Soledad is playing the mom AND the dad. They live in a TEENY tiny home...and let's just say we came at the right time.

We taught about the Holy Ghost and she told us, "Sometimes I feel like my chest is going to explode and then I just cry. It's like a fire in my chest." And I testified, "Soledad, THAT is the Spirit. And never feel like it is bad to cry. When we cry, that is an open sign to our Father in Heaven that we need help! The Spirit is always here, to comfort us and to guide us. Never feel like you can't cry... always seek help. And we, as representatives of Jesus Christ, are here to help in whatever situation. We do this because we love you and we want to help." And she looked at me and started to cry, "Gracias, Hermana. He sido bendecido por medio de ustedes." It was incredibly powerful... and please pray for this family. Pray that they will soon be free from these trials. I know Father in Heaven know their trials, and they will have a great reward in the end.

Also, as I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed one night, I walked past one of the curtains and in the corner of my eye I could see a huge black dot. I turned to look….. it. was. a. baby. turantula. And it was bigger than a 50 cent piece. Awe HECK no. I screamed, ran and jumped on my bed. My companion took care of it with ease... but after I definitely sprayed my bed with RAID. I'm not afraid of chemicals.... trust me. I am afraid of spider bites and spiders deciding to build their home in my EARS.

[Note from mom: It’s time I had “the talk” with my daughter … about the appropriate use of Exclamation Points, which are clearly her favorite punctuation. Did anyone else happen to notice the gaping LACK of Exclamation Points in the previous paragraph?!?]

We also had the opportunity as a zone to perform SERVICE! :) We went to a school and swept, pulled weeds, painted, and painted the trees! And I thought of Mom and Dad, "When one person is working, we should ALL be working." I had that thought in my head THE whole time! When I finished one job, I looked for another and, man, it was SO much fun working!! And when I saw the other missionaries standing around while we were working our tails off, I thought of all the times when Mom would be in the kitchen working her tail off and I would be in my room doing who-knows-what. I understand how you feel Mom... and I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry. It is not fair and I will never do that again after what I experienced. Service was INCREDIBLY fun and I loved every moment. I also wore my Paideia shirt and a lot of the Elder's asked about it. And well, I definitely bragged about you Dad and your school. :)

Representin´my Paideia pride. :)

So the baptism dates for Martin and Giselle changed. Martin didn't go to church yesterday. And Giselle? I have no idea. She likes to hide. Please pray for them! Martin is SO SO SO ready, it is ridiculous how prepared his heart is. I mean, heck, he is going to institute and participating with the Single Adults!

Also pray for Manuel. We taught him everything of the Plan of Salvation and, wow, I asked him, "Do you believe that this is the Plan our Heavenly Father has made for us?" He thought and thought, "....yes." It was absolutely amazing. I am so grateful for how the Spirit works. We asked him "the question" and he said he would pray about it. Please pray that the Spirit will testify to him STRONGLY. He neeeeds every single blessing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught him yesterday also and he basically broke down and told us all that he was going through and how everytime we teach him, he feels happier in the end and he feels comfort. WOW. He TOTALLY knows this is true.

Familia, (tiempo para Español)...:)
Se que El Espíritu Santo es un maestro perfecto. Se que nunca recibiremos cosas malas por El Espíritu. Se que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial y Él conoce CADA de sus hijos. Él sabe Su Plan... es por que Dios envió Su Hijo Unigénito, Jesucristo. Y estoy MUY agradecida por mi Salvador, se que Él es mi hermano mayor y Él sufrió TODO para que podemos tener TODO. Se que puedo vivir con mi familia para siempre, y he orado por CADA persona en mi familia... cada de ustedes son MUY importante. Se que podemos hacer cosas difíciles. Hijole, tuve influenza y escalé una MINA después 5 días en mi cama....si, podemos hacer cosas difíciles. :) Mamá, Papá....gracias por todo. Les extraño muchisimo, en serio. Pero, estoy agradecida por el día cuando puedo verles un otra vez...con un abrazo :) Les amo MUCHISIMO! Adios, nos vemos, y Dios les bendiga :)

Con amor....y pedos .... bahaha,

Hermana Winsor
En el centro de Fresnillo.

MOM! I DEEP CLEANED our house!!!! I told my companion ,"Vamos a limpiar." And I literally "Mommy cleaned" our house!! I know you're proud of me :) I actually like cleaning now! :)

 La familia Alatorre, Araceli, Dana, Aydé, Fatima, Hma Moreno, Amela, y Axel

Nefi (son of a member in the stake) :)

The scripture for MARCH!

The last time with our district before transfers :(

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